Outreach Services

Community Sign Language

The American School for the Deaf has been offering non-credit community sign language classes for over 45 years. Our American Sign Language (ASL) classes cater to three different groups: Adult, Youth, and Babies. And now introducing: Elementary age classes, for those ages 4-7 years old!
Classes provide a variety of resources designed to support the goals of the class. Learning any language requires time and practice. You will enjoy building your knowledge of ASL to communicate with a friend, family member, or colleague. Students learn best through communication activities including group practice, games, exercises, and dialogues. We have a supportive and enthusiastic community of teachers.

We hope you will join us - Please reach out with any questions!

At this time, due to instructor unavailability, Baby/Elementary classes are on hold.  If an instructor becomes available, we will open classes again.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

List of 1 items.

  • General Class Information

    Interested in joining a sign language class, but missed the current session?  Don't worry!  We will have more available coming soon!  Until then, see the general class information below for planning purposes.  Specific schedules for each session can be found by clicking to expand the designated class level.

    We offer three sessions of Adult sign language classes: Fall, Spring, and Summer.  Each class level is offered every session.  At this time, we are offering in person and virtual classes.  See the general offerings below:

    FALL (runs once/week for 10 weeks, September-November)

    SPRING (runs once/week for 10 weeks, March-May)
    SUMMER (runs 2x/week for 5 weeks, July-August)
    • ASL 1
    • ASL 2 
    • ASL 3
    Classes run for two hours, usually on a week night or on a  Saturday.
    **Specific class schedules subject to change each semester, due to instructor availability

    Adult Sign Language Classes will be using the text:
    Learning American Sign Language: Level I & 2- Beginning Intermediate (2nd Edition)

    Following the text, the Adult Sign Language classes are divided into three levels:
    LEVEL I: UNITS #1-8
    LEVEL II: UNITS #9-16
    LEVEL III: UNITS #16-24

    We currently offer those 13+ to join our adult classes virtually.  Alternatively, parents may opt to attend the classes with their youth in person, if preferred.  Please see the adult class information above, or reach out for more information.

    We offer Baby/Elementary classes during our Fall and Spring session.  Classes are held in person.  See the general schedule below:

    FALL (runs once/week for 5 weeks, starting in October)
    SPRING (runs once/week for 5 weeks, starting in April)

    • Baby (3 months-3 years) - Saturdays, 9:30-10:30am
    • Elementary (4-7year) - Saturdays, 11am-12pm

    Need more information, or want to be notified when the next session registration is posted?  Fill out this form to be kept in the know! 

    **Class availability/schedules are subject to change given enrollment, instructor availability, and/or other variables.  Please fill out the information form above, or revisit the website for full session details as they become available.

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  • Adult (13+) Sign Language Classes

     CLASS FEE: $250 per person
    VIRTUAL CLASS: One additional member in the same household may join on the same screen for an additional $50.

    Our Adult American Sign Language (ASL) Classes are designed for all individuals, hearing or deaf, who want to learn how to communicate in ASL. The three levels offered advance in vocabulary and language structure, and touch on information related to Deaf Culture. Upon completing all levels, students should have a well-rounded knowledge of ASL vocabulary and structure that they can use conversationally.

    SPRING 2025 Session
    March 3rd - May 22nd, 2025
    Meets once weekly (see below for individual class dates) - 10 sessions 

    Youths 13+ are welcome to join the virtual classes.  In person is permitted with parent permission.



    ASL I
    • Saturdays, 10am-12pm 
      • March 8th - May 17th
        (NO CLASS April 19th) 
    • Thursdays, 6-8pm
      • March 13 - May 22
        (NO CLASS April 17th)
    ASL II
    • Mondays, 4:30-6:30pm
      • March 10th - May 19th
        (NO CLASS April 14th)



    ASL I
    • Mondays, 4:30-6:30pm
      • March 3rd - May 19th
        (NO CLASS March 31st OR April 14th)
    ASL II
    • Thursdays, 4:30-6:30pm
      • March 6th - May 22nd
        (NO CLASS April 10th OR 17th)
      ASL III
      • Thursdays, 6-8pm
        • March 13th - May 22nd
          (NO CLASS April 17th)

      Adult Sign Language Classes will be using the text:
      Learning American Sign Language: Level I & 2- Beginning Intermediate (2nd Edition)

      Following the text, the Adult Sign Language classes are divided into three levels:
      LEVEL I: UNITS #1-8
      LEVEL II: UNITS #9-16
      LEVEL III: UNITS #16-24

    Contact Us

    List of 1 members.

    • Photo of Krystal Sonidis

      Krystal Sonidis 

      Student Information Systems (SIS) Data Manager
      Voice: 860.570.2399
    Need more information, or want to be notified when the next session registration is posted?  Fill out this form to be kept in the know! 
    Minimum number of students required to run class.
    Class is subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment.
    Any class cancelled due to weather/instructor illness will be made up.

    REFUND POLICY: No refunds after the first day of class.

    : We must receive either payment, or a check payment pledge in order secure a spot on the roster. After you have completed the registration and payment forms, you will receive an e-mail verifying your registration.

    : Must register/pay 2 weeks prior to class start date.
    Failure to pay 2 weeks prior to class start date will result in being placed on the wait-list.

    To cancel a class registration or if you have a question please contact:
    Krystal Sonidis
    (860) 570-2399

    Send all Check payments to:
    American School for the Deaf
    Community Sign Language
    139 N Main Street
    West Hartford CT 06107
    Attention: Krystal Sonidis

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