ASD's Elementary Program is a lively, language-rich and supportive environment for all deaf and hard of hearing children. Home to Pre-School through Grade 5, our Elementary School is tailored to meet the needs of each individual student. Small class sizes and strong staff support provide an ideal learning environment for our youngest students. Teachers and staff help students develop language, mathematics and communication skills - all while inspiring creativity and fostering their social/emotional awareness. We aim to nurture a lifelong love of learning in all students!
Residential Boarding
ASD's Residential Program is available to students aged 7 and above, and residential students have the option to live on campus as 5-day or 7-day boarders. Our residential program offers a welcoming, language-rich environment that embraces students' cultures, a fully-staffed Student Health Center, and weekend cultural experiences and trips. For more information, see our Student Life page.