Health and Safety

    • COVID Protocol 3_2024 (1)-images-1

ASL Covid 19 Resources - FROM CDC

List of 1 items.

  • Visitor Communication Policy


    The health, safety and well-being of our students is our highest priority. ASD has established strict protocols in compliance with all statutes and guidance issued by the Department of Public Health, Department of Children and Families and the Centers for Disease Control, including the adoption of a mandatory health screening and safety measures for all staff and anyone else entering the ASD campus.

    ASD must follow the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and the funding and licensing agencies that oversee their services, regarding visitation and restrictions of all non-essential personnel. To minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 at ASD, protective measures and mitigating procedures related to visitors are as follows:

    • Visitation restrictions are communicated by ASD staff to families and guardians and posted on our website. Communication with their children and family members is supported and encouraged by visiting remotely using available technology, such as phone, videophone, relay interpreting services, Zoom, etc.

    • ASD makes a variety of technological options available that support the family/child connection so that they may maintain regular contact. 

    When visitation guidance is revised by the agencies listed above, ASD will develop and issue communications to all potential visitors, family members, and funding agencies regarding any changes.

Jeff Bravin
Executive Director
(860) 944-7644 (cell/text)
Paula Morabito
Assistant Superintendent, AED
(860) 471-4787 (cell/text)
Jennifer Pizzoferrato
Chief Financial Officer
(860) 970-9675 (cell/text)

Student Health Center 
Kelli Gilbert
860-965-3736 (Cell/Text)

Human Resources
Gwynne C. Deveau
Sophia Lanza
(860) 987-2715 (cell/text)
Belinda Lugo

Business Office
Jenn Pizzoferrato
(860) 970-9675 (cell/text)

Angela Paydos
(860) 595-6457 (cell/text)

Rena Billings
(860) 335-5418 (cell/text)

Information Technology

David Gerhold
(860) 944-6739 (cell/text)

Juan Pagan
860-299-3363 (cell/text)

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