In November, several ASD middle school students and staff had the opportunity to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico to visit Colegio San Gabriel School for the Deaf (CGS) . This is a deaf school which was hard hit by Hurricane Maria in 2018. ASD middle students became virtual pen pals with the school and when they heard how devastated the school's resources were, raised money to travel and bring science supplies to the school. It was a humbling experience for our students to see how much their Puerto Rican friends had to live without and their gifts were such a welcome surprise.
In February, the students from Puerto Rico were able to travel to ASD to continue their STEM learning as well as experience the many sights that Hartford had to offer. The two schools worked together to build and/or fine tune their ROV's in preparation for ASD's first invitational SeaPerch scrimmage at the University of St. Joseph held on March 8th. Both ASD and CGS students fared well in the scrimmage. ASD was looking forward to the state competition in late March which unfortunately has been postponed due to the virus. CGS carried their ROV home and hope to participate in a competition on the island this spring. The two schools will continue their long distance relationship via Skype.